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If you’re looking for all upper and/or all lower teeth to be replaced, All-on-4 or All-on-X same day dental implants are most often the best choice. This procedure is also known as Teeth in a Day or Same Day teeth.


With decades of collective experience, Dr. Alexander Smith and Dr. Thomas Spoonster are the trusted choice for patients looking for long-lasting and natural-looking dental implants in Bend, Oregon and the surrounding area.


They are exceptionally trained and skilled in several dental implant techniques, including Teeth in a Day. This innovative system is designed to immediately replace a full arch of teeth without the treatment and healing time associated with traditional implant placement. Thanks to Teeth in a Day, restored chewing, speaking and smiling are immediately possible.



With traditional dental implant treatment, it takes several months (up to a year) for the implant post to successfully fuse with the jawbone, which allows it to after which it serves as a stable foundation to the replacement teeth (either a dental crown, bridge or denture) that will eventually be placed on top.

The Teeth in a Day system is more time-effective than traditional treatment, as the implant posts and replacement teeth are placed on the same day. Thanks to the use of advanced computer imaging technology, the implants fit precisely into place, minimizing healing time. The replacement teeth are placed on top, allowing you to enjoy a strong and natural-looking smile immediately.




  • Fast tooth replacement

  • Prevents premature facial sagging

  • Full mouth rejuvenation with minimal implants

  • Improved comfort and performance

  • Fixed alternative to traditional dentures



  • New teeth in a day

  • Save money compared to traditional implants

  • Outlasts conventional tooth replacement options

  • Feels and functions similar to natural teeth

  • Eat and taste the foods you love again

All-on-4 dental implants are the best denture alternative. NO slipping or removing to eat, and they prevent your jaw bone from deteriorating which leads to pre-mature facial aging. In addition, if you are missing most of your teeth and interested in dental implants, All-on-4 implants can save you time and money. Replacing every tooth with a dental implant can be timely and costly. As little as four implant posts may be placed to support a full arch of replacement teeth. With traditional implant placement, as many as eight implants may be used to support a full arch of teeth. Because fewer implant posts are typically used with the All-On-4, the system involves less treatment time and healing and is more cost effective than traditional implant placement.


Successful Teeth in a Day treatment requires careful planning. Our dentists utilize advanced 3D computer imaging technology and simulation software to create a highly personalized treatment plan for your specific dental needs.

During your initial consultation, our dentists will create a detailed 3D image of your mouth and jaw so they can “virtually” place the implant(s) before treatment. Not only does this allow our dentists to plan a very safe and precise treatment, but it also allows you to visualize your results before even having the procedure.


During the procedure, our dentists will create a small incision in your gums to place the implant. Once the implant is in place, an abutment will be inserted on top of it along with the dental restoration. Your dental restoration will be made using high-quality materials and crafted to look natural and attractive.


Teeth in a Day recovery is typically shorter than recovery from traditional implant placement and with all our dental implant procedures we incorporate PRP therapy for even faster healing rates. Minor discomfort can be managed with prescription medication. Our team will provide you with a detailed list for you to follow during your recovery.




Since any type of mouth rehabilitation is a customized treatment plant, the cost of same day teeth will vary from patient to patient. The first thing you will want to do is schedule a consultation with our office to determine if you are a good candidate and if so, what treatment would entail for your specific needs.


Dental implants offer one of the best returns on investments, because of their predictability and lifelong function. When you’re able to perform multiple tooth replacement with as little as four implants, you can minimize treatment costs for full mouth reconstruction.

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Contact us with any questions or to schedule an appointment.​​ Our caring and dedicated staff can't wait to hear from you!
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